(603) 620-7302 [email protected]
This week’s flower offerings, from Blossom Sky Farm:
Tulips  $20.00 a bunch. Tulip and Daff. mixed bouquet  $15.00 . Daff bunch $7.00.
CSA credit can’t be used for flowers. Checks are made out to Kathleen Junge
 Tulip color choice: Purple, Red with maroon/purple brush
Tangerine with variable color sheen, Cream with blush rose
Peas, beets, arugula, and onions are germinating here at Ledge Top Farm. The garlic crop looks strong. Potatoes are starting to be planted.
Here’s what’s growing this week:
Spinach: $5 per bunch
Salad mix(lettuce only) $5 per bunch
Spinach and lettuce mix $5 per bunch
Green star lettuce $3 per head
Kale $4 per bunch
Collards $4 per bunch
Radishes $3 per bunch
Swiss chard $4 per bunch
You can pick up at the farm anytime, and receive an added discount. Email or text your order and pick up time. I’ll confirm your order and your pick up. If you have a CSA account there is nothing else to do. If you’re paying with cash or check made out to Ledge Top Farm, there will be a container for your purchase.
We will be at the Peterborough Farmers market on Wednesday from 3-6 PM on Elm Street, Peterborough.


Tom Mitchell
487 Center Road
Wilton, NH 03086
email at
text or phone at:
603 620-7302