(603) 620-7302 tom.mitchell9@icloud.com

Week of July 21 on Ledge Top Farm

A busy week on the farm! It seems to be the time of the season where everything comes in at once. Although it has been uncharacteristically hot and dry this year, things are growing better than ever on the Ledge.    Potatoes are in! We have six different...

Week of July 14 on Ledge Top Farm

More and more hot weather on the farm this week. Very different weather compared to last summer. Our winter squash have begun bearing fruit and we are looking at a good harvest come late August and early September. The first cherry tomatoes have started to ripen,...

Week of July 7 on Ledge Top Farm

We hope everyone had a safe and fun Fourth of July week! Ledge Top continues to be blessed with a great season of growing. Onions and garlic are nearing harvest, the second crop of green beans are flowering and should be ready for harvest in two weeks, and summer...

Week of June 30 on Ledge Top Farm

Happy Fourth of July week! Who else can’t believe how fast this summer is flying by? Lots of great produce is coming along on the farm that should be ready this upcoming month. Potatoes are putting on some more growth before the first harvest later this month, tomato...

Week of June 23 on Ledge Top Farm

It is finally looking to be a little cooler this week! All of us at Ledge Top and the plants made it through the heat wave with lots of growth. Snow peas are ready for harvest this week and will be available for order. Beets have come in and are looking beautiful this...

Week of June 16 on Ledge Top Farm

Looks like a hot week coming up on the farm. Potatoes and tomato plants are flowering and beginning to put on their fruit! We are expecting a great harvest of both coming up in July. Beets and carrots are still growing well and should be ready in the coming weeks. ...