(603) 620-7302 [email protected]

Week of August 18 on Ledge Top Farm

The temperatures seem to be moderating out this week as we inch closer to the end of summer, but there’s plenty of growth still happening up on The Ledge! We are beginning to check the winter squash crop to see what’s ready for harvest and should have our first squash...

Week of August 11 on Ledge Top Farm

Back to the hot and sunny weather this week on The Ledge. August is the busiest month on the farm for harvesting and growth, there’s always something new to pick and admire. I love seeing all the vibrant colors from the yellow beans, to bright red tomatoes, the green...

Week of August 4 on Ledge Top Farm

It looks like we are finally getting some cooler weather and possibly some much needed rain this week, what a hot and dry summer we’ve had so far! All that heat has led to some bumper crops of potatoes and tomatoes this year. Winter squash is still looking great and...

Week of July 28 on Ledge Top Farm

What a great week of growth and production on the farm. It’s always amazing to see how the growing seasons change year to year with the weather, and this year is a good one! We are looking at a bumper crop of tomatoes and potatoes this year, the winter squash are...

Week of July 21 on Ledge Top Farm

A busy week on the farm! It seems to be the time of the season where everything comes in at once. Although it has been uncharacteristically hot and dry this year, things are growing better than ever on the Ledge.    Potatoes are in! We have six different...

Week of July 14 on Ledge Top Farm

More and more hot weather on the farm this week. Very different weather compared to last summer. Our winter squash have begun bearing fruit and we are looking at a good harvest come late August and early September. The first cherry tomatoes have started to ripen,...