(603) 620-7302 [email protected]

Everyday new beds are planted with greens in the high tunnels.

Soon it will be time to start greenhouse tomatoes and sweet peppers, so they will be ready in June.
The mice seem to have a taste for spinach, but the other greens are not touched. Where is a good cat when you need them?
Here’s what’s growing this week:
Arugula- new crop, very good growth; normally a bunch of 4 ounces for $4, now 6 ounces for $4.
Tat soi $3 per bunch
Baby bak choy $3 per bunch
Swiss Chard $4 per bunch
Radishes $3 per bunch
Watercress on sale double bunch for $4
Komatsuna $3 per bunch
Baby lettuce $4 per bunch
Tokyo Bekana $3 per bunch