Anybody can order from Ledge Top Farm. You do not have to be a CSA member.
Order through this newsletter or go to and click on available produce to see what’s growing this week.
I do not keep items out on the farm stand, but when you place an order it will be on the stand waiting for your pick up. For non-CSA members Cash or check can be put in the cash box. For change, I would have to be there so that not the best way in these times. When I confirm your order I will tell you the exact amount. It’s a contactless exchange.
CSA sign-ups are open again during July. You can extend your membership or sign up new with an application. The flexible plan allows you to get what you want when you want. There are no minimums.
The farm is producing well and plants are healthy. The recent rains have helped.
Please submit your orders as a list. One line per item. This helps me not miss items.
Ledge Top Farm will represented be at 4 markets this week.
Merrimack on Wednesday 3-6 PM, at the Vault Storage, at the edge of the property.
Peterborough at the Community Center, Wednesday, 3-6pm.
Francestown at the Town Center, 4-7PM Friday.
Milford at the Good Mojo university front lot, 10-1 pm Saturday.
No mask no service at farmers markets. Let’s keep everyone safe.
Here’s what’s growing:
Kale $4 a bunch (abundant supply)
Green leaf $3 each(good supply)
Green leaf $3 each(good supply)
Magenta lettuce (red tip) (fair supply)
Chives $3 per bunch (poor supply)
Rhubarb $4 per bunch (poor supply)
Mint $3 per bunch (low supply)
Baby lettuce $4 per bunch (fair supply)
Chives $3 per bunch (poor supply)
Rhubarb $4 per bunch (poor supply)
Mint $3 per bunch (low supply)
Baby lettuce $4 per bunch (fair supply)
Swiss Chard $4 per bunch (low supply)
Basil $4 per bunch (good supply)
Collards $4 per bunch(fair supply)
Red raspberries $4 per box (good supply)
Cucumbers, long slicers $1 each(poor supply)
Salad cucumbers ASA picklers $3 per pound(fair supply)
Snap peas $5 per box(8 ounces)
Arugula $4 per bunch (low supply)
Tomatoes $4 per pound (low supply)
Beans (green or yellow)$2 per bunch (8 ounces) (low supply)
Blueberries $3 per box (good supply)
Carrots $3 per bunch (good supply)
Zucchini $3 per pound(good supply)
Shell peas $5 per box (8 ounces)
Garlic $1 per ounce or $16 per pound
Radishes $3 per bunch(low supply)new crop
Yellow squash $3 per pound (just starting)
Beets $4 per bunch (good supply)
Beet greens $4 per bunch (fair supply)
Please email ([email protected])or text (603 620-7302)your orders and I can have them ready for you. Let me know what approximate time you want to pick them up and which day. Please come as close as you can to your agreed pick up time. This reduces the number of customers at the stand at one time.
Phone orders are difficult because I’m often not near something to write down your order .
Orders picked up at the farm receive a one dollar discount for every $10 of your order.
Monday pickups will be scheduled after 1PM.
I will send you an order confirmation so you know I received your order and we have what you want. If you don’t get a conformation within a few hours of your contact please contact me again.
If you have supplied me with a text number I can text you when it’s ready.
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