(603) 620-7302 [email protected]

The warm May temperatures caused some of the greens to go to seed, so supplied are limited.

Strawberries and raspberries have formed fruit. In a few weeks it should be ripe.  Tomatoes are as big as golf balls or better. Cucumbers are sizing up.

Here’s what’s available:
Baby beets $4 per bunch
Mint $3 per bunch
Basil $4 per bunch
Radishes $3 per bunch
Cilantro $3 per bunch
Baby lettuce $4 per bunch
Gren beans $2 per bunch
Red leaf lettuce available late week $3 per bunch
Rhubarb $4 per bunch
Swiss chard $4 per bunch
Baby Collards $4 per bunch
Markets this week will be Peterborough on Wednesday, 3-6PM, Francestown on Friday, 4-7PM, Milford on Saturday, 10-1 PM
Pick up at the farm is always available. Let me know when you want your order.  Wait for a confirmation before coming here to pick up.