(603) 620-7302 [email protected]

Last night was the coldest night of the season here. 12 F outside and 25 in the greenhouses. No oil heating this season due to high fuel costs.

Plants are frozen but most are cold hardy and will thaw once the greenhouses warm up.
There still is plenty  of Squash, tomatoes, peppers, celery, sweet potatoes, and even a few bunches of carrots protected from freezing.
The kale and Swiss chard and collards outside will probably not come back. 12 degrees is too cold for them.  There is Swiss chard in one greenhouse so that should be OK.
No markets this week. The next Peterborough market is November 30th.
Farm pick up is always available. Leave a text or email order anytime. All orders will be in a small red cooler to prevent freezing. Thanksgiving day orders are OK before 12 noon.
Here’s what’s available:
Tomatoes, mostly small $3 per pint box
Granadero Plum tomatoes $3 per pint box
Lettuce leaf type  “Green star”  $3 each bunch or bag
Romaine lettuce $3 each
Sweet Peppers mostly green, few red /yellow $4 per pound
Swiss Chard $4 per bunch
Cayenne peppers red or green $3 per pint box
Winter squash, Butternut(all sizes) $2 per pound
Delicata squash, $2 each
Sweet potatoes $4 per pound, Larger ones with vole damage remain.
Lettuce mix by Wednesday this week $5 per bunch
Damaged butternut, or Delicata-  free

Carrots $4 per bunch 2 bunches left

Celery $4 per bunch
Garlic $1 each(small)
Red leaf lettuce $3 per head
Tatsoi $3 per bunch
Small white potatoes $3 pint box


Tom Mitchell
487 Center Road
Wilton, NH 03086
email at
text or phone at:
603 620-7302