(603) 620-7302 [email protected]
We hope everyone had a relaxing and restful Thanksgiving holiday. First snowfall with accumulation hit the farm on Tuesday night, marking the beginning of another transition, winter is almost here!
Peterborough Farmers Market resumes this Wednesday, November 29th. There will be three markets in December on the 6th, 13th and 20th.
Pick up at the farm is always available until the end of the year. Put your order in anytime and it will be waiting for you at the stand. Make sure you get a conformation on your order to be sure we got the message. Let us know the day and time you can pick up. A reminder to CSA customers that orders are only accepted through the end of December, so use your money up while you can.
Fall crops of sweet potatoes and Brussels sprouts are still available this week. Quantities will be limited, so there is enough to meet demand.
The tent collapsed  in last  Wednesday’s snow so there will be a table and a red cooler for your order if the weather is freezing. Please pick up your orders before they freeze.
Here’s what’s available this week:
Tomatoes, red round type Small $1, $2 medium, pint box $3
Granadero Plum tomatoes $6 per quart box
Salad mix $5 per bunch
Arugula $4 per bunch
Tatsoi $3 per bunch
Pea shoots $4 per bunch
Cabbage $4 per head
Chickweed micro greens $3 per bunch goes great on salads
Green leaf lettuce $3 per bunch
Sweet potatoes $4 per pound (limited quantity)
Brussels sprouts $5 per pint box (limited quantity)
We do have non salable winter squash that has surface damage or too small for the asking. No charge.
Drew Whitney Farm manager


Tom Mitchell
487 Center Road
Wilton, NH 03086
email at
text or phone at:
603 620-7302