(603) 620-7302 [email protected]

July 26th at Ledge Top Farm

New crop of raspberries should ready by the end of this week. Blueberries are all but gone. Many are damaged with SWD(spotted wing drosophila), fruit fly from Asia. It makes them soft and mushy. We never knowingly put those in your order but you should know it’s out...

July 19th at Ledge Top Farm

Raspberries are forming new berries for the fall, so there might not be too many available until they ripen, at least a week. Blueberries are past peak and will be done by August. Garlic harvest is small this year. We’ll have to do better next year. Winter squash is...

July 12th at Ledge Top Farm

“Water, water everywhere…” The plants have had enough! Me too. Starting to see zucchini and summer squash. Maybe next week they will be ready. Garlic harvest starts this week. It helps if you email or text an order before picking up at the market. You can be assured...

July 5th at Ledge Top Farm

Thanks to all that came out in the rain for last week’s markets. It helps if you email or text an order before picking up at the market. You can be assured of getting what you want and I can bring extra for your orders. Beets- small golf ball size, either  dark...