(603) 620-7302 tom.mitchell9@icloud.com

Growth is really coming on this past week. I see kale, lettuce, arugula, and Hearty Greens ready for picking.

It looks like there will be enough to come to the Feb. 26th Milford Indoor market in the Milford Town Hall auditorium form 10-1 pm Saturday.
Here’s what’s available:
Hearty greens: all asian type greens such as mizuna, arugula, kale, red mustard, and tatsoi. $5 per bunch
Restaurant style lettuce mix:  a blend of all lettuce cut from red and green very crisp lettuces $5 per bunch
Leaf lettuce: some romaines, some reds, some greens $3 each
Kale: either curly dwarf or Red Russian $4 per bunch
Lettuce mix: a blend of soft leaf lettuces $4 per bunch
Spinach:$5 per bunch
Tokyo Bekana: A lettuce like mild asian green, $3 per bunch
Join Ledge Top Farm CSA and support this farm to continue our growing.
1. We call this the  “you decide” CSA. You decide when you want to place an order.
2. There is no set commitment for money. You decide how much you want to establish your credit with the farm.
3. You can renew any time for any amount to add to your credit.
4. You can pick up at the farm for a further discount.
5. You can pick up at the farmers markets we attend.
6. We keep track your credit balance.
7. We sell only what we grow and know it’s complete history.
8. We grow with the least environmental impact, such as following organic standards, no tilling the earth, and hand tools for cultivation.
9. We guarantee your satisfaction or you can get your money back or a replacement.
10. You have no limitations, other than availability, to place an order. You can order as many times as your credit allows or skip when you need.
Here is how you can join Ledge Top Farm CSA 2022.
1. Email at tom.mitchell9@icloud.com with your contact information(name, address, cell phone, email)
2. Send or drop off a check made out to Ledge Top Farm to set up your credit for the CSA. Customers have sent $100 to $700 per season. The average is $300. You decide.
3. You will be notified via email that your account is set up.
4. You can use the credit immediately or wait until the season is in full swing  with many choices.
5. Your account must be finished by Dec 31st 2022.
This farm needs help to provide you with the best service and grow over 40 different varieties. You can help by:
1. Working in exchange for food. Usually a few hours a week.
2. Become an intern and learn the latest no till intensive gardening techniques. Stipends may be available.
3. Work on the farm as a contract worker.
4. Just come an help out when there is a crunch.
All workers must be vaccinated against Covid.
If any of these appeal to you then please contact:


Tom Mitchell
487 Center Road
Wilton, NH 03086
email at
text or phone at:
603 620-7302